The social sustainability theory: An introduction
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Ródenas
Towards a new welfare state: the social sustainability principle and health care strategies
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Ródenas
Vicente Sanjosé
Care needs among the dependent population in Spain: an empirical approach
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Ródenas
Vicente Sanjosé
Suitability of the health and social care resources for persons requiring long-term care in Spain: An empirical approach
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Ródenas
Vicente Sanjosé
Case management method applied to older adults in the primary care centres in Burjassot (Valencian Region, Spain)
Francisco Ródenas
Jorge Garcés
Stephanie Carretero
M. J. Megia
Evaluation of the home help service and its impact on the informal caregiver's burden of dependent elders
Stephanie Carretero
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Ródenas
Variables related to the informal caregiver's burden of dependent senior citizens in Spain
Jorge Garcés
Stephanie Carretero
Francisco Ródenas
Vicente Sanjosé
The informal caregiver's burden of dependent people: Theory and empirical review
Stephanie Carretero
Jorge Garcés
Francisco Roódenas
Vicente Sanjosé
The care of the informal caregiver's burden by the Spanish public system of social welfare: A review
Jorge Garcés
Stephanie Carretero
Francisco Ródenas
Mariano Vivancos
A review of programs to alleviate the burden of informal caregivers of dependent persons
Jorge Garcés
Stephanie Carretero
Francisco Ródenas
Carmen Alemán
The Social Sustainability Theory, as promoted by the Polibienestar Research Institute of the University of Valencia, consists of a joint reorganization of health and social systems to provide an answer to the necessities pf people requiring long-term care. The proposed theory is structured from three basic axiological principies: Social sustainability, Quality of ufe and dignified death, and Social co-responsibility. The book contained 9 papers produced from 2003 to 2010, which provides the scientific foundation of the theory as well as its application to long-term care, mainly by measuring the suitability of resources and implementing case manage-ment in social and health care resources for dependent older people and the organization and coordinaron of social and health care services to reduce the burden of informal caregivers.\